Tales of berseria pc download no survey
Tales of berseria pc download no survey

tales of berseria pc download no survey

These 3 are the hardest bosses in the game (Artorius would be here if Magi Spell Absorb wasn't a thing). Phoenix took me 3 tries, Milla&Jude 4, Turtlez 2. So no, if Eizen/Eleanor died (they are the only ones who can ress) I would just let the boss kill me and hit retry. Leaving people dead is also a waste because they won't get the Grade nor the EXP from the fight. Spamming pots is bad because of reasons you already mentioned, specially because Grade is the only useful thing bosses and dire foes give you(well, aside from their special item sometimes), the EXP is meh and Gald can be easily farmed in the last Class 4 area. >assuming I just spam pots and leave everyone dead Since that bosses have been kinda boring tbh. Honestly most of the time I wipe to restart on a boss lately it's because an ally died not me and most recent boss fights have been a massive letdown especially after the oscar fight. Granted I'm only on intense, but I just got to the town before mt killarous (sp?), level 40 and haven't used an item/killed a boss with someone dying in forever. Easy is if you can close your eyes and nothing touches you. If by "easy" you mean "I can spam healing items and have people dead around me" then no, it's not easy. but killing them without being overleveled without items is really hard. I think it is ok to kill them without K.O. But there are still couple bosses that are not that hard mechanically, but even if you dodge like 90% of their attacks but got caught into 1 you will die, it is ofc EX bosses like jude+milla, it's not like abusing i-frames is a bigger achievment than to kill them without items. Honestly local bosses are way easier than they were in Zesteria, maybe it is because current gear system is less retarded. The game rewards you for killing bosses without using items, and punishes you by cutting your grade to half for every K.O. Try not spamming pots or having corpses around next time. Here you can kill all the main and side bosses on Chaos with a party around lvl 80, which is pretty lame. Specially since there's literally nothing to look forward to in NG+ like in previous Tales of, there are no super hard side bosses that requires you certain level or level of gear to beat.

Tales of berseria pc download no survey